
The International MPS Network (IMPSN) Board of Directors elections are held every two years at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The IMPSN Board of Directors consist of seven Directors who are elected by an expanding global MPS Society membership. The Board of Directors consists of the following executive board positions:

•Chair/Co Chair
•Vice Chair

Four additional Board Members

Elected Directors serve a term of two years. Directors can serve a maximum of three consecutive terms. After a two-year recess, a previous IMPSN Director Emeritus, can run for the Board of Directors again. Chair and Vice Chair roles, are decided by the elected Board of Directors, and by simple majority.
Election Time Schedule:


Chair(s) of IMPSN will meet with current Directors, whose terms are expiring, to determine their interest in continued participation, whether they are interested in re-election to the Board and to assess the skills needed by directors for the IMPSN’s continued success.


Preparation for the AGM will begin. Request for nominations, nomination form, and Board of Director information package will be electronically available to all members of the IMPSN. A complete set of directions will be provided to all members on how to execute a nomination. (Translation will be available upon request.)

The Board of Directors nomination process will be managed with submissions provided to the Chair(s) of the IMPSN. Each will retain a copy of candidate nomination materials.

All Nominees will be listed in an online voting platform named “Simply Voting”. Members for the IMPSN will be provided a unique identifier to complete their voting process.

The Board of Directors will provide an email to alert each member of the upcoming Simply Voting unique identifier that will be provided.

Nomination and Voting Schedule Timeline:

May 4 – May 30 – Open Nominee Collection

June 5 – June 19 – Voting Begins/Ends

June 27 – Chair(s) notify elected Board of Directors

July 30 – AGM, new Board of Directors seated, Executive Board Voted

Download Forms here:

1 – Prospective Director Information Package

2 – Nomination Form

3 – Director Nomination and Skills Audit form

The application must be typed and e-mailed to terri@mpssociety.org by May 30, 2020. Faxed or mailed applications will not be accepted

If you have questions, please contact Bob Stevens, CEO, MPS Society UK at b.stevens@mpssociety.org.uk or Terri Klein, President/CEO, National MPS Society at terri@mpssociety.org.



IMPSN, Board of Directors

Interest in collaborate?